Cityscape III, 2015
Shot double exposure in camera on film, the series explores oscillations between man-made and natural elements in our everyday life. Since the series was captured on film rather than manifested digitally, there are two versions of each image in the series except for the first image. Melding together images of Queen’s Park and the surrounding Downtown cityscape of Toronto, it seeks to comment on a desire to preserve nature in a growing state of urbanization and industrialization. By housing the two elements of the city on a single plane, the series examines and disrupts the control of urban planning of public spaces.
20" x 30"
35mm, Canon AE-1

Untitled 01

Untitled 07

Untitled 11

Untitled 12

Untitled 13

Untitled 14

Untitled 19

Untitled 20

Untitled 21

Untitled 22

Untitled 23

Untitled 24

Untitled 28

Untitled 29

Untitled 34

Untitled 35